Christian converts from Islam sometimes flee to other nations to escape extreme persecution.
Christian converts from Islam sometimes flee to other nations to escape extreme persecution.
Mar. 20, 2025 | Lebanon

Persecuted Christian Concerned for Cousin

[66] prayers in [8] nations have been posted for Salim and cousin.

Salim, a believer, shared the gospel with a cousin who now faces severe persecution. When Salim became a Christian, his wealthy family took away his job, and a few relatives tried to kill him. Those relatives even followed him to another country, hoping to harm him. But Salim’s faith grew stronger, and he shared it with other family members, including an older relative. At one point that relative became sick and asked Salim, “Why doesn’t your God heal?” Salim told the relative he could pray and ask the Lord himself, and when he did, he received answers to his prayers. Through Salim’s witness, several of his family members have committed their lives to Christ. But one cousin who became a Christian began facing severe pressure from his family and asked Salim to delete all their digital conversations. “Please pray that the Lord will protect him,” Salim asked, “and that he be with him and strengthen his heart.”

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Lebanon and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Salim and cousin

  • Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for saving Salim and giving him the boldness to share your gospel with his relatives. Protect this cousin who is under attack - strengthen him; make him aware of your presence with him. Give him the right words and actions to do in front of his unbelieving family. Provide for their needs and help them to find fellowship.
    Margaret H - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for Salim sharing his faith to his cousin. Please protect both of them as they continue worshiping you!
    Stacia B - USA
  • Father I lift up to You Salim and cousin for safety and power of the Holy Spirit to pass on the gospel and havethe power to heal the sick and deliver people from demonc activity. Give them a desire to want to share the gospel everywhere they went.
    Jeffrey M - USA
  • Dear Lord, thank You for Salim's faithful witness to his family and those who have come to Christ through his witness. I pray Your hedge of protection around this one cousin facing persecution. Please strengthen this cousin so that he will not forsake his faith in You. May Your Holy Spirit assure him of Your promise never to leave him. Amen.
    Lynne W - USA
  • Father, I praise You for Salim and his faith in You. I praise You for his bold witness to others, especially his family. I pray a hedge of protection around Salim and his cousin. I pray that Your Holy Spirit will be that hedge of protection. I pray that Salim's love for You will shine through to all who know him. You will never leave their side. Amen!
    Brenda C - USA
  • Help our brothers Salim and his cousin . Give faith and strength to overcome all obstacles to their following Christ.
    Debbie V - USA
  • Dear Father, Thank you for the many ways you are strengthening Salim and his family members who have desire to know you. Please send your angels to minister to them, give them peace, and help them to bear up under persecution from those who are supposed to love them. Help them overcome evil with good. Heal and unify this family in Christ. IJN, Amen
    Kim A - USA
  • Lord Jesus, thank You for the many ways You have to reach hearts. I pray for Your provision and protection for all of Your new believers. Help them build an unshakable foundation.
    Joel B - USA
  • Thank you for Salim's faith. Please also bless his cousin, presently in trouble. Help him to stand strong in the day of his testing and be proven righteous.
    Emily G - USA
  • Lord Jesus Christ, I rejoice at the knowledge that Salim and his relatives are coming to You. I ask you to please give Your consolation, protection and encouragement to Salim's cousin who is being persecuted by his own family. May the joy of Salim and the others who have converted bring conversion to this family.
    Denise G - Canada
  • Disowning someone is different than making sure of their safety, as Jonathan did for David. Please bring him out to a land of plentiful fruit and harvest after the years of desert wandering.
    Andrew H - USA
  • In the comforting name of Jesus, our Heavenly Father, Holy Spirit, the God of all comfort, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faith of Salim and cousin. We ask for a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Lord please help him to be protected and strengthened and provide comfort to them all. And please provide for their needs and for their witness to draw many people to You.
    Faith G - USA
  • Father God,
    We pray for Salim and his cousin to know Your love, grace, and mercy more with loving encounters. Holy Spirit bless them to sense Your presence. We pray for peace and hope. Protect them and provide for them. Guide them in prayer and action. We pray for those who heard Your message to trust You. Increase their faith, and family heart change.
    Karen G - USA
  • Father we pray for Salim & his cousin's safety & continued to protect them & given them boldness of faith & enable them to walk in Your ways fearlessly. Strengthen their faith & may many many more of their family & all who they come in contact with, come to faith in Jesus. Betheir strength & courage each & every day. amen
    Sandra L - USA
  • Spirit of the living God, we honor and worship you because you are holy. Lord I pray for Salim and His cousin standing in the gap. Send your angels in charge of them. May your grace and mercy follow them. Let them rest in you knowing that you are a strong tower and their safety is at your right hand. Holy Spirit stir up your presence. In Jesus name!
    Lakieta S - USA
  • Heavenly Father, We lift up Salim in Lebanon who has committed his life to you. Please watch over him dn may many come to salvation through him. Amen.
    Robert M - USA
  • Father we ask for angels of protection to surround Salim and his loved ones. May he find strength daily by the Holy Spirit and may his walk with Christ continue to bring others to a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior.
    Alfred H - USA
  • Father God, we praise you for Salim's faith in Christ and for his boldness to share Jesus despite the severe testing of his faith thru persecution from his family. We lift up Salim's cousin and thank you for his conversion to the only one and true God and pray for your hand of protection on him. Meet his every need and strengthen him in Jesus name!
    Elisabeth F - USA
  • ABBA FATHER, please protect Salim and his cousin from persecution from the government and from radical Islamists. I pray that YOU will continue to use Salim and his cousin to spread the gospel message to their families and everyone else who they come in contact with in Lebanon. I pray these things in the powerful and loving name of JESUS CHRIST! Amen!
    Michael V - USA
  • Dear lord Jesus we thank you for Salim, his cousin and all his loved ones, we thank you for all you've done for them, so we lift up our voice to pray that you help and strengthen them, crown them with your loving kindness and bless them in all blessings in Jesus name amen
    Great O - Nigeria
  • Father, we praise You for saving Salim, his cousin and elderly relative and other relatives. Please protect, bless and use all of them. In Jesus Powerful Name, amen
    Debbie M - USA
  • Dear Lord,
    Thank You so much for Salim's faith and for his bold witness to family members. I pray that You will be with his cousin: watch over and protect him from those who wish to do him physical harm. I pray also that You will protect him from attacks against his faith, and that You will strengthen him.
    Jehosheba R - USA
  • Lord, we do pray you will protect Salim's cousin. Be with him and strengthen his heart. Keep on working in Salim's extended family and community to bring new life. You are Abundant Life, Life Eternal! Spread your enlivening Spirit in Lebanon.
    Jim T - USA
  • Dear Lord, thank you for the boldness of Salim and his witness to his family regardless of the cost to him. We praise you for the family members who traded darkness for light. Please keep his cousin safe and let him show his family the way to salvation. May these new believers share with many so they too will know You.
    in Jesus name, amen.
    Debi H - USA
  • Dear Lord, I praise You for Salim sharing his testimony with his family. I praise You for his family members who have received Christ as their Savior! I pray for his protection from his family members who want to kill him. I pray for his cousin who is afraid and has backed away. Give him courage and hope in his faith. In Jesus' name, amen!
    Barry D - USA
  • Lord we pray for Salim and his family. Protect them as they do your work. Surround them with your heavenly angels in Jesus name.
    Robert H - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father protect Salim and those with him. Keep him safe and use him in a mighty way to spread the gospel to all. Amen.
    Gina R - USA
  • Lord,You have said that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. We thank you for Salim's conversion&witness to his family-at great risk to his life. Pls now keep his cousin by Your power in faith&LOVE to anchor his hope in Christ, which keeps us beyond even the grave. Deliver him fr danger. Bring revelation&salvation to hs family
    Jane G - USA
  • Dear Lord, may you protect Salim and his cousin from persecution and may their witness lead many to you. Amen.
    Tom H - USA
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