Jan. 23, 2020 | Nepal
Christian Woman Blinded by Husband
After Mamta became a Christian, in 2010, she was fired from her job, and her husband demanded that she renounce her faith and stop going to church. But Mamta could not abandon Jesus Christ. Then, one day, her husband beat her so badly that she lost vision in her right eye. When he later left her and remarried, Mamta and her son moved in with her Hindu parents. They blame Mamta for not obeying her husband, and they won’t allow her to take her son to church. Instead, they are raising him as a Hindu. Mamta wants to live on her own so she can teach her son about Jesus. Pray that her parents will come to know Christ, and pray for the Holy Spirit’s work in her son’s life as well. Pray for Mamta’s spiritual growth.