
Islamic terrorist groups regularly target Chistian children for abduction in Nigeria.
Islamic terrorist groups regularly target Chistian children for abduction in Nigeria.
May. 16, 2024 | Nigeria

Hundreds Abducted by Islamists

In early March 2024, Islamic militants raided several boarding schools in northern Nigeria and abducted more than 300 people. “I spoke to a pastor who personally knows an elderly Christian woman who was among those abducted,” a front-line worker shared. “Her son was shot in the arm when trying to protect her and is currently hospitalized.” Officials do not know if the attackers were members of Boko Haram or ISWAP, two Islamist groups active in the area. The attackers demanded ransom to return those who were abducted. Amid the risk, the front-line worker reported that pastors and evangelists in the region are committed to serve. “These realities are not new to them,” he said. “They have already counted the cost of serving Christ in such areas and remain faithful to their calling.”

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Nigeria and learn how to pray.

Druze men often wear traditional clothing.
Druze men often wear traditional clothing.
May. 16, 2024 | Lebanon

Abusive Husband Trusts in Christ on Christmas Day

Yasmin, who grew up as a member of the Druze community, became a follower of Christ in 2020. When her family learned of her new faith, they immediately rejected her. Her husband attacked her and attempted to stab her. But the couple eventually reconciled, and Yasmin’s husband, Amir, allowed her to live in their home. Amir gradually became curious about Yasmin’s new faith and would stay up late at night to watch Christian TV channels after others had fallen asleep. In December 2023, he attended the Christmas celebrations at Yasmin’s church. After the sermon, Amir responded to the pastor’s invitation to place his trust in Christ. The church rejoiced in this answer to three years of intercessory prayer for the couple. Yasmin said she had already noticed “a difference in her husband at home and is convinced he is a new believer.”

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Lebanon and learn how to pray.

Ayesha (right) helps lead a Sri Lankan church that is under fire.
Ayesha (right) helps lead a Sri Lankan church that is under fire.
May. 16, 2024 | Sri Lanka

Church Awaiting Justice Remains Under Attack

Anura and Ayesha lead a church in western Sri Lanka that has been repeatedly attacked in recent years. Some of the perpetrators of these attacks are facing charges in court. However, Ayesha reported, every time the court dates near, groups in the village try to stir up trouble by breaking Buddha statues or throwing human feces on them and then blaming the church for dishonoring Buddhism. So far, no progress has been made in these cases. In 2023, attackers threatened new converts from the villages and pelted stones at their houses. Police have interfered with services and even directly threatened Pastor Anura to stop church services. Pray for Anura, Ayesha and their church to be bold and courageous as they bear suffering and continue to take the gospel to more villages.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Sri Lanka and learn how to pray.